Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: A Serious Complication of Alcohol Abuse
Consequently, both of the body’s mechanisms to sustain blood sugar levels are inactivated in people who consume alcohol but do not eat, resulting in profound hypoglycemia. Insulin primarily serves to lower blood sugar levels by promoting the uptake of sugar (i.e., glucose) in the muscles and fat (i.e., adipose) tissue as well as the conversion of glucose into its storage form, glycogen. In addition, insulin inhibits the production of more sugar molecules (i.e., gluconeogenesis) in the liver. Accordingly, it promotes gluconeogenesis and the breakdown of glycogen into glucose.
- The identification of these signs and symptoms is critical in diagnosing AKA, as they often point healthcare providers towards the condition in conjunction with a patient’s alcohol use history.
- Ketoacidosis typically occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes who completely lack insulin.
- 1, 2, 3 The diagnosis of AKA requires arterial blood gas (ABG) measurement and serum chemistry assays.
- Heavy drinking, particularly in diabetics, also can cause the accumulation of certain acids in the blood that may result in severe health consequences.
- When this happens, it can cause ketones, which are acids, to build up in your blood.
Alterations of Lipid Metabolism
- The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.
- However, if an individual presents with symptoms of ketoacidosis but is not found to be in a state of ketoacidosis, healthcare providers will investigate alternative conditions like alcohol poisoning.
- Abstinence from alcohol generally leads to normalization of the triglyceride levels, unless the person has an underlying genetic predisposition for hypertriglyceridemia.
- Reduction of LDL cholesterol decreases a person’s likelihood of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
That increase in prevalence was most Halfway house apparent in patients with a disease duration of less than 4 years. Other researchers observed that the prevalence of neuropathy in type 1 diabetics increased in a linear fashion with the alcohol amount consumed (Mitchell and Vinik 1987). Those researchers also reported that diabetics who consumed more than eight standard drinks per week developed peripheral neuropathy faster than did diabetics who consumed eight or fewer drinks per week. Second, diabetics who have consumed alcohol, particularly those with type 1 diabetes, experience a delayed glucose recovery from hypoglycemia. Detailed analyses demonstrated that although the glucagon and epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia were unaffected, the growth hormone and cortisol responses were reduced after alcohol consumption.
- Overall, the diagnosis of alcoholic ketoacidosis involves a comprehensive approach that combines the patient’s medical history, physical examination findings, and specific laboratory tests.
- Carnitine acyltransferase (CAT) transports free fatty acids into the mitochondria and therefore regulates their entry into the oxidative pathway.
- Inpatient treatment involves living on-site at the detox or rehab facility, an approach that keeps clients in a healing environment and allows for better monitoring and treatment.
- The reasons underlying defective insulin secretion and insulin resistance, which are still under investigation, are complex and beyond the scope of this article (for a review, see DeFronzo 1997).
- The presence of an anion gap metabolic acidosis, elevated serum ketone levels, and a normal or low glucose concentration are diagnostic hallmarks of AKA.
Treatment of Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
When the body is depleted of carbohydrates and protein stores, fatty acids are released from fatty tissue. This allows the body to meet energy requirements in the absence of carbohydrates and protein; however, it results in a larger than usual amount of acids in your body. It’s important to note that while excessive alcohol intake is a key contributor to AKA, the presence of other risk factors such as underlying health conditions and nutritional status can influence its onset and severity. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of these causes is crucial for the effective prevention and management of AKA.
Get Help for Alcohol Use Disorder to Improve Your Overall Health
Routine clinical assays for ketonemia test for AcAc and acetone but not for β-OH. Clinicians underestimate the degree of ketonemia if they rely solely on the results of laboratory testing. Once you have decided to seek treatment, selecting the appropriate course will depend on your situation. If you have an alcohol use disorder (AUD) and have drunk excessively over a long period of time, you may require medically supervised detoxification. Medically supervised detoxification can reduce the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms (which can contribute to AKA development) and the risk of relapse. Alcohol addiction can be alcohol ketoacidosis symptoms difficult and potentially dangerous to recover from on your own.
Who is at Risk of Developing AKA?
People who consume a lot of alcohol during one occasion often vomit repeatedly and stop eating. If the vomiting and starvation go on for a day or more, the liver’s normal stores of sugar (glucose) decrease. The low glucose stores combined with lack of food intake cause low blood glucose levels. Without insulin, most cells cannot get energy from the glucose that is in the blood. Cells still need energy to survive, so they switch to a back-up mechanism to obtain energy.
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